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After School Program

MAX’s After School Program is about so much more than keeping your kids safe and occupied until you’re done work - although we do that too! 

Why MAX After School? Well, we guarantee 60+ minutes of physical activity and daily outside time to get children moving and active each and every day. 

We offer half and full day care on school closure days (PD Days, Early Dismissals & Kindergarten closure days at select locations) transportation from school to MAX and late pick up. 

Our staff are dedicated, highly trained and our staff to child ratios that are second to none at 1:13.



Camps and MAX go together like kids and fun!

MAX offers quality, full day care during school closures the summer break for children in Kindergarten to Grade 6.

Join us during the summer holidays for fun-filled activities including: outside play, organized games & sports, arts & crafts, project making and other highly active programming!